Parade or Proclamation
Jesus as the sacrificial lamb shows the world that there’s an alternate kingdom; not a kingdom of power and might, but one of peace, grace, love and the spirit of God (Mark 11:1-10; Zechariah 9:9; Ezekiel 43:1-5). While people tend to gravitate toward what the world deems popular, Jesus shows us that getting caught up in the charisma of what seems attractive makes us miss out on what’s really happening in the world (1 Peter 2:9). But that takes sacrifice and a willingness to lay down the popular things for the things of God. It’s easier to jump on the earthly bandwagon, but if we do, we miss out on the miracles and the change to witness the parade of people who are willing to love the unlovable and do what God calls them to do (Mark 11:31-33).
1) What can I learn about the heart of God coming off of Palm Sunday?
2) What is God asking me to sacrifice and lay down?
3) Who is God calling me to invite to Good Friday or Easter service?