Welcome to metro


Aloha and welcome to Metro!  Our vision is to see people changed by Jesus so that they can live like Jesus.  We believe that when one’s life is truly changed by Jesus, we cannot help but to aspire to live like He did: loving others no matter their differences, sharing hope and encouragement, seeing the world in a different light, and building the Kingdom of God one person at a time.  We are a family of faithful believers in Christ that recognize our imperfection and our need for a Savior.  If you are looking to Connect to God, Connect to People, and Connect People to God, we would love to have you join the family!

New Here?

growth group guide


We believe that one of the best ways to grow is through community - and we have great ones here at Metro. No matter what life stage you're in or group you're looking for, we have a group that's just right for you. It's easy to get plugged in by using our Growth Group Finder - just hit the link below!

Already in a group or want to run the new Growth Group Guide with your family? Hit the button below to get access to a digital copy of our Heaven Touches Earth  group guide.

Next Steps

Whatever stage of life and faith you find yourself in, we want to help you take your next step in your spiritual journey - whether you are a follower of Jesus, new to faith, or completely skeptical about religion, all of us have a next step!

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Get Connected

Life is better connected!  At Metro we believe that followers of Jesus connect well: Connect to God, Connect to People, and Connect People to God.  Here are some of the opportunities to connect at our church, and some of the resources that help us to connect well.

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If you are looking to grow in your walk with Christ, while at the same time develop meaningful relationships with others, we have a place for you.  Through involvement in our Men’s, Women’s, Kupuna and Prayer Ministries - we create opportunities that foster and encourage spiritual growth and health.

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Kids & Youth

Here at Metro, we believe in the Next Generation. We have great ministries for children, teenagers, and families. From learning foundational truths in Metro Kids, making faith your own in Alive Youth Ministries, or making lifelong friendships with our Young Adults, we have a perfect place for you and your family.

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Contact Us

ServIce Time And Location

Sundays @ 7am, 9am & 11am
419 Waiakamilo Rd. 
Suite D, Honolulu, HI 96817

Contact Information

Office Hours M-Th 9am - 4pm