Message Archive

Rest: Fight - Reset Forward
This week Pastor Elwin concludes our series "Rest Forward", asking us to consider how we will live t...
Reset: Future - Reset Forward
Today, Pastor Brandon and Pastor Elwin take the stage together to continue our series "Reset Forward...
Reset: Friendships - Reset Forward
This week Pastor Brandon continues our series, "Reset Forward". One of the largest influences on a p...
Reset: Family - Reset Forward
This week Pastor Brandon continues our series "Reset Forward", looking at families. Pastor Brandon e...
Reset: Faith - Reset Forward
This week Pastor Elwin continues our series "Reset Forward". In the midst of the chaos and tragic ev...
Reset: Focus - Reset Forward
As we start 2025, it's the perfect time to reset our ives to reflect God's original plan. Pastor Bra...
Be Bold
This week Pastor Elwin encourages us to see the end of 2024 not as a transition to 2025, but as a mo...
When Heaven Touches Earth - Heaven Touches Earth
Merry Christmas! As the culmination of our Christmas series, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. Pastor...
From Sorrow to Joy - Heaven Touches Earth
This week Pastor Elwin continues our Christmas series, "Heaven Touches Earth". As we approach Christ...