No Grumble, No Stumble, Stay Humble!

There’s something in the human heart that pushes us past adversity, but there’s also a part of us that might think we can’t overcome (James 5:7-20). Rather than give up, we can get up and pray, have patience and persevere, even in the middle of financial trouble, relational difficulties and emotion hurdles (James 5:7-9Galatians 5:22-23). Sometimes patience is trusting God is still in control even when things aren’t going how we thought they would. Root your patience in your trust in God — and don’t grumble (James 5:9)! Grumbling is centered around judgmental thoughts about what someone is not doing, and it takes a lot of humility and trust to combat it (Philippians 2:14-16). The cure for grumbling is mercy, compassion and kindness (James 2:13Matthew 7:1-5). So, when facing life — good times and adversity — pray in all circumstances (James 5:13-16).

Points To Ponder

1) Do I consider myself a patient person? What are some examples? How can I be more patient?
2) Am I usually one to grumble? How can I instead show mercy to those around me?
3) Can I be taken at my word? Am I honest with others, and myself?