More than Happy

Matthew 5:3 - Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Being blessed by God is better than being happy in this life. His goodness and blessing give us a hope for the future beyond our years here on Earth. In this way, godly blessings often don't look like how we envision them. However, if we choose to redefine blessing in the way Christ defines it, we will realize we can be blessed in all stages of life (Psalm 1:1-3), even when things are frustrating and grim. According to the Bible, being blessed is an inner state of spiritual fulfillment, unaffected by external trials — all because it's rooted in God's favor and presence. Kingdom blessings are steadfastly rooted in God's goodness, and don't always look like worldly pleasures, which are fleeting and fickle (Matthew 5:1-10). Apart from God, we are lost, helpless and hopeless, and we are truly blessed when we realize our need for Him (Revelation 3:17Luke 18:9-14). Reliance on Christ nets us blessings that will never fade.
Points To Ponder
1) What are some ways in which God has blessed me?
2) How can I move my heart to a place where I realize I need Christ?
3) How does reliance on Christ make me stronger?