It's Time: What's your Holy Discontent?
Holy discontent should fuel us to lean on God to solve problems that weight heavily on our hearts. In fact, holy discontent will drive us to fulfill our roles in setting what is wrong with this world right (Nehemiah 1:4-11). But sometimes we’d rather live a life of contentment than be willing to bear the burden of putting forth the effort. The effort doesn’t always mean constantly moving and reacting, though. While we wait on God’s next steps, we should be patiently praying for courage and fortitude to do what’s right (Nehemiah 2:1-5). Our patient prayers provide clarity, a creative plan of action. If we can’t articulate our plan, we will never get it done (Nehemiah 2:6-9). When we’re confident we’re being led by the Holy Spirit, don’t worry if the plan isn’t perfect. God never looks for perfect people — rather, He’s looking for hearts that are willing to take that first step of faith and do that next right thing (Nehemiah 2:17-18).
2) Where in my life am I settling for contentment, rather than bearing the burden to make a difference for Christ?
3) What is my first step in developing and articulating the plan God has put on my heart?