Having More Compassion
Christians are changed by Jesus to live like Jesus, and that change goes beyond just actions (Luke 10:25-37). This means loving those who God puts in front of us, even if we don’t like them (Matthew 5:43-45), and it means having mercy because God is rich in mercy (Matthew 9:13; Ephesians 2:4-5). Selfishness, pride, greed and busyness can prevent us from showing compassion, which requires action. And God gives us plenty of chances to put our faith into action by placing people in front of us who are in need of God’s grace. That’s why when we’re serving others and showing them the love of God, we’re really serving Him (Matthew 25:31-40).
1) What does it feel like to receive the mercy of God? How can I show mercy and compassion to others?
2) What is keeping me from showing mercy and compassion toward others? How can I start to see others like Jesus sees them?
3) Who has God put right in front of me? What is one thing I can do to show them the love of God?