Grumbling vs Gratitude

Sunday, November 13, 2022

We all want more joy in our lives, but choosing joy doesn’t come easily. Frustration comes naturally; joy is a supernatural choice (Philippians 2:1-2). But we can contend for unity when we know what steals our joy: being self-focused (Philippians 2:3-4) and grumbling (Philippians 2:12-15). Grumbling and discontent are easy, but when we do that, we miss out on the good things God is doing. We can be grumble or be grateful — the two cannot coexist. Being others focused and being grateful fills our joy (Philippians 2:5-11Philippians 2:17-18). And when you choose not to grumble, we stand out against the world and shine for Christ (Philippians 2:14). We can have joy when circumstances are difficult and frustrating when we remember that God has already done so much for us.

Points To Ponder
1) Who can I selflessly serve today?
2) Will I choose to grumble or be grateful this week?
3) How can I have joy even when things are not working out?