Easter Sunday - Changed by Redemption
We all love a good redemption story, and the good news is that no matter what our lives look like and what we've done or has happened to us in the past, nothing we go through can keep us from Christ's love (Matthew 26:31-35; Mark 16:6). Easter is proof that no one and no thing are too far from God's redeeming power! Often, we are a lot more frail than we think we are, and things don't happen the way we think they're going to (Matthew 26:69-74), and shame can keep us from redemption. We're all chasing after redemption, but Jesus finds us where we are (John 21:1-5). When Jesus pays our ransom, He sets us free from the bondage of sin (Romans 6:23; 1 Peter 1:18-19; Ephesians 1:7). But redemption requires action on our part. Some of us are carrying around our pasts, and God invites us to redeem that for His love and grace. Jesus wins our battles and victories because He lives in us!
2) What does the Bible say about Christ redeeming us in light of our shame?
3) What action steps can I take toward God's redemption?