Don't Talk About It, Be About It.
We live in a society of spectators whose members (including ourselves) are comfortable watching others get things done instead of actively doing themselves. We see others living the life that we want to be living, and we want that for ourselves — whether that be showing more kindness, grace and giving, or repairing relationships and investing in others. Inside, we might yearn to do what we see other people doing, but ignorance, doubt and apathy keep us rooted where we are. We bring God the most glory when we do what He tells us to do (John 13:15-17; James 2:14-18). Faith in the purpose He has for us doesn’t mean sitting around waiting; it means accompanying that faith with action. We will be able to live the life God has called us to live when we overcome ignorance, doubt and apathy — and that starts with following His example (Philippians 3:17-21).
2) Who do I look up to?
3) Who is looking up to me?