Changed by Our Sufferings
Life-changing moments surround us, and these incidents can be good or difficult. We are changed by Jesus even in our suffering if we choose to follow Him through it. Sometimes, we expect God to change our circumstances, to free us from these unsavory life-changing moments (Matthew 11:1-6). But He never promises that we won't suffer; He only promises to walk with us through them (John 16:33). We will all endure suffering, so we must choose to suffer well. This doesn't mean that suffering automatically turns into hope. It's a process that God's love takes us through (Romans 5:1-5). You must remember who is for you (Romans 8:31; Isaiah 41:10; Isaiah 43:1-4), as well as choose to focus on God's goodness instead of the pain. Our story doesn't end with suffering. The story God writes for our life will always end with new life if we trust Him in the process.
Points To Ponder : 1) What life-changing moment am I experiencing now? 2) Will I choose to walk with Christ through whatever that moment is? 3) As I look back on God's goodness in my life, how does that help me through what I'm going through now?