Back to Jesus
It’s difficult to navigate through times of suffering, when it feels impossible to have hope in the middle of devastation. In our suffering, Jesus invites us to return to Him (Romans 5:1-11). Our hope rests in what God will do and what He’s already done. No matter what we are suffering through, God tells us we can persevere and, through prayer, believe that He’ll bring us through it (Philippians 1:4-6). As we endure suffering, God develops our character and shapes us into who He wants us to be (1 Peter 1:6-7). Character produces a God-given kind of hope (Romans 5:1-5). When we persevere in times of suffering and we allow God to shape our character, our faith becomes stronger and more resilient (Romans 8:18-28).
1) Can I recall a time when I experience suffering? How did I get through it?
2) How can I help others who are going through a difficult time?
3) What does God want me to learn during times of suffering? How does that speak to His character?