Thereʻs No Place Like Home (Christmas Eve Service)
Home is where you choose to make it and who you choose to make it with, and there’s something about special about being “home,” especially for the holidays. Without the birth of Christ, we wouldn’t have the salvation that allows us to go home to heaven (John 1:1-14; Isaiah 7:14; Isaiah 9:6). He is not afraid of our pain; He is there with us in the mess. Jesus chose to make His home with us because He loves us (John 3:16-17). Unforeseen circumstances can cause us distress and when things get rough, sometimes we choose to run as far away as we can from our spiritual home (Luke 15:13-16). But it’s never too late to come home. No matter how far from home we feel, God runs out to meet us (Luke 15:20).
Points To Ponder
1) What is keeping me from coming back home to Christ?
2) What do I need to turn back over to the Lord?
3) In the middle of my “mess,” how has Jesus shown that He’s there with me through it all?