Rhythms of Rooted
Everything in life is all about rhythm, and healthy rhythms produce healthy disciples (Acts 2:37-39). One thing we need to get into the habit of is daily repentance because when we sin, we deceive ourselves into believing that we know what’s best for ourselves (Genesis 3:5-7). We also need to be dedicated to daily devotions and prayer because passionately pursuing God’s Word and listening to what He has to say allows us to discern His direction (Acts 2:42-46; James 3:17). Prayer invites the Holy Spirit to break through strongholds. It allows us to sink our roots deep in order to grow and bear fruit. We also need to get into the rhythm of sacrificial generosity and service to others (Acts 2:44-46; Luke 6:38). When you’re rooted in Christ, things change for the better, and there’s no greater credibility than witnessing a life that’s been changed by Jesus (Matthew 13:23).
1) How can I get into the habit of repenting daily?
2) What strongholds are holding me back from walking in God’s best?
3) Who is God calling me to bless today?