There are two sides to most things, which have the ability to divide us. In fact, the enemy's mission is to divide and conquer. But Christ has different plans for us, His children (Matthew 5:9). Everyone wants peace, and our God is a God of peace (Isaiah 9:6; Romans 5:1). However, often, peace is so elusive. It seems like the whole world and various aspects of our lives are the opposite of peaceful (Matthew 10:34-39). The problem of peace is the problem of our hearts. Peace sits on a foundation of truth and righteousness, and Christ's heart desires peace. That's why we can't be peacemakers until Christ helps us in the war in our hearts (Hebrews 4:12-13; James 4:1-3; Mark 7:20). God wants to reconcile our hearts with His (Colossians 1:19-20). Until we can resolve the issues going on within our hearts, we can never have the true peace God intends for us (Luke 13:1-5). At that point, peace comes into our lives. One of the first things we can do to have peace in our hearts is to resolve our sins daily and be willing to risk what others think of us (Romans 12:17-18). When God changes us to become peacemakers, we can then go out and be peacemakers for others.
2) If I'm being honest with myself, how is my heart looking?
3) Who in my life is God calling me to be a peacemaker to?